7 weeks

We had our 2 month doctor visit today. It is a week early, but we are flying to Texas next weekend so the pediatrician suggested we get her vaccinations before going. Emma did wonderful. Mommy and daddy not so much. I have to admit I got a little teary looking at that bright red face that looked like it was crying, but no sound was coming out.

Her weigh in today has her at 10 lbs! She is 23.5 inches, which is in the 90th percentile. I guess that explains why her legs don’t fit in any of the newborn outfits anymore. She just got a whole new wardrobe when I switched over to the 3 month outfits!

Apparently she is doing just fine after the shots… here she is by 9/IMG_1409-768x1024.jpg)](/content/images/2013/09/IMG_1409.jpg)