away we go

This week was our big road trip week. We've been wanting to go to Yellowstone for the last two years, but it is difficult to get in at any of the campgrounds near the park. This year I scored a site at a campground right outside the park!

All summer we've been debating if we would even go. We had a pretty busy summer, so it would be nice just to stay home since school is right around the corner. We also talked about renting a sailboat in the Apostle Islands of Wisconsin like we did last year. We even talked about a trip to somewhere in the Caribbean. In the end we decided on a roadtrip down to Texas. We haven't seen that side of Braden's family since 2019... so it was time.

We weren't super well prepared for this trip since we were starting on Saturday and didn't decide this plan until Thursday. We made it all happen, but got a later start that usual. That means we only made it 4 hours out of 18. We stopped for the night in Des Moines, Iowa.

Man... it is hot in Iowa. When we parked the bus it was 99 degrees, but felt like 112. Good thing we stopped at a KOA with a pool!