
This week we're dealing with the lowest temperatures we've had so far this winter. Every day is forecast below 10 degrees with most under 5 or in the negatives. That means no sledding, no ice skating, no outdoor anything. To keep from going completely crazy we're slowly and cautiously venturing to indoor places we haven't been in over a year....

I think the zoo went a little overboard. They have plastic walls up everywhere. Signs to not touch anything or climb on anything. Arrows all over the floor. Ropes to tell you what side to walk on. But... they left the coin machines where you donate money without a single sign, wall or rope. It is one of Olivia's favorite things at the zoo, so she was very excited to be able to put her coins in.

Last week Emma's school had jersey day and her class had hat day. I love that #5 jersey.

Olivia's favorite place. She has been begging for months to go to Crayola.