dance recital day

Today was day 1 (of 2) dance recital days. Their dance studio is recording all of them doing their dances at home and is going to put together a video since they can't do their recital on the big stage this year. Preparation started last night.

Under normal circumstances dance recital days are pretty stressful. Lots of costume pieces to remember. Getting their hair just right (the curls are the WORST!). Getting their make up on without them rubbing eye make up all over their faces (or crying their mascara off). Spending hours backstage entertaining and dressing lots of tiny dancers. Its a couple very long days.

I thought doing it from home would be a piece of cake. It wasn't. I didn't realize how much our dance mom group relies on each other during the dance recitals. We all sent pictures and texted all day. I miss those ladies!

Olivia was first up this morning...

I struggled curling Emma's hair for her recital 2 years ago. Olivia's was much easier now that I've done it so many times.

This afternoon it was Emma's turn...

Emma has her ballet dance next weekend... and I'm hoping that one actually is a piece of cake.