fun in the sun

We're trying to soak up every last minute of summer. Monday morning we headed the aquarium for a couple hours. The girls love it because you can touch and feed so many different animals.

This is always their favorite part. Can you tell?

On Monday night Emma had her final cheerleading camp performance.

We spent the day on Tuesday at an aquatic center. I've driven past it so many times and always wanted to check it out.

Olivia wasn't herself. She fell asleep twice on the way there, swam for 10 minutes and napped for the rest of the time. When we got home she had a fever, which explains all the napping.

Tuesday night our neighborhood participated in night to unite. We got a visit from a snow plow, firefighters and Sparky.

For the last month of school Emma and her friend talked nonstop about doing a lemonade stand this summer. Wednesday their dreams came true... and they made $30!

Wednesday and Thursday afternoon were spent at the pool.

This weekend we'll be camping again after a couple weekends off.