happy valentine's day

I found out this year that between November and January if you spend $250 at the Mall of America you get 2 wristbands for unlimited rides. By the time I bought a couple Christmas presents, renewed my Crayola membership and we ate dinner there a couple times I easily spent $250. They have to be used by March 1st, so the girls and I spent Valentine's Day with friends going on rides.

I was really excited to take Emma on 2 of the big roller coasters that she's never been on. Emma loved both of them.

Both girls had the best time... except Olivia when we went on the log ride. I can't really blame her. I'm not a fan of that ride. You basically straddle a bench and hold on to a rail on either side of you. No seat belt. No lap bar. No bueno. I tried to talk her out of going, but she wanted to because Emma wanted to. I have a feeling she's not going to make that mistake again.

We ended up spending 6 hours at the mall.

After all that mall fun, the girls spent their night with more friends at parents night out. I think this is the first time Braden and I have been out on a date for Valentine's Day.