o say can you see...

This year Emma joined her school choir. Last week they did a performance for parents. The last week of school they are performing for the whole school. Today they sang the national anthem at the MN Twins game.

We had to be at the stadium really early. We've never been to Target Field, so we checked out everything going on while we waited for the game to start. I never let the girls get their face painted because the line is always ridiculous and they never want to wash it off. I was shocked to find this lady without a single kid in line, and there is no school tomorrow... so today was the day for face paint!

Show time!

Emma's turn for face paint!

We got the scoop on where to get photos with the mascot.

Olivia really enjoyed watching the game and didn't want to leave, but we had a 2.5 hour drive back to to Duluth.

Also... happy 12 year anniversary to us!