out and about

This weekend turned out to be pretty busy. I think Braden put it best when he said that now Emma is fitting into our schedule, so we can actually get out of the house without too much of a hassle and get things done.

First on the agenda… a new dining room table. We have been without one for a long time. Our old couch had been occupying our dining room, but my mom came down last weekend for a visit and somehow the 1/DSC_0360-1024x680.jpg)](/content/images/2013/11/DSC_0360.jpg)

On Saturday we took a road trip to Rooms to Go and bought a table. Dining room tabl1/IMG_0023-764x1024.jpg)](/content/images/2013/11/IMG_0023.jpg)

After our purchase we stopped at Firehouse1/IMG_0027-764x1024.jpg)](/content/images/2013/11/IMG_0027.jpg)

We ended our Saturday with a photo shoot of Emma in her FSU jersey. I probably took 100 pictures trying to get a smile. I never really got one, but I 1/DSC_0545-768x1024.jpg)](/content/images1/DSC_0534-768x1024.jpg)](/content/images1/DSC_0515-768x1024.jpg)](/content/images1/DSC_0489-768x1024.jpg)](/content/images/2013/11/DSC_0489.jpg)

On Sunday we went to Home Depot to get some pa1/IMG_0950-1024x768.jpg)](/content/images/2013/11/IMG_0950.jpg)

After Home Depot we had1/IMG_0953-1024x768.jpg)](/content/images/2013/11/IMG_0953.jpg)

I have a big list of things to do this week, so hopefully all those outings will go as smoothly as this weekend.