spring break: day 4

Today it rained... all day. Luckily I knew it was coming, so when we went home yesterday I grabbed a bunch of activities to keep us busy since I knew we'd be stuck in the bus all day. We played a lot of games.

I lost count how many times we played Uno. It was at least 100.

We worked on some more rocks to put out for kids to find. This time instead of paint I put the rocks in the oven for 30 minutes and we used crayons to decorate them. The rocks don't get hot, but they're warm enough to melt the crayons. Someone suggested students leaving a rock at school with their teacher's name on it. Emma made one for her teacher and we'll go by this week and drop it off.

Braden and I got to work on our next big bus project... new floors in the bedroom. We had to rip the carpet up when we first bought the bus because of a water leak. We've had bare floors for almost 4 years, so I'm excited to finally get actual flooring back.

We finished off the night with at least 10 more games of Uno and some popcorn.