wednesday was rough

If you read Braden's post you know that Wednesday was our toughest day yet. We've done this sailing thing before, so we knew there would be bad days along with the good ones. Thursday we took it a little easy to regroup. Braden found the parts to fix the leaky watermaker and toilet. On his way back he took Emma to get sushi from a place she's been begging to go to every day since we got here.

In the afternoon we headed to Emma's sailing lesson, had dinner and did some swimming.

Friday we were back at it. Leaky toilet was fixed! Water maker leak was fixed! We even made enough water to fill one of our water tanks so we could take showers on the boat instead of at the marina showers.

We celebrated these big wins with a dinghy ride, drinks, more swimming and a fancy dinner with fancy drinks.

We're looking forward to the weekend and some beach time, or maybe a waterfall.