we're off the dock

Wednesday mornings is the market at the marina. There are people selling homemade crocheted goodies, fruits, vegetables, eggs, homemade pesto, homemade jams, fresh juice, meat and baked goods. It gets busy with all the cruisers, so you have to get there early or they run out of the good stuff like eggs and baked goods.

We got there right at 10 AM for the bakery guy. Last week we heard from the meat lady about Frankie Dogs, which they were out of by the time we got there. They are hot dogs that they cut in half, add a squirt of mustard, then they're baked in a cheesy roll. Apparently they are a huge hit and sell out fast! Today we were at the front of the line and got our hands on some. They were delicious!

Of course we also came home with cheese rolls, ham and cheese rolls, meat patties, cheesy garlic bread and chocolate cake.

We're still waiting on one huge part (our new main sail). The other part we were waiting on came yesterday so technically we could leave the marina and grab a mooring ball off the beach somewhere while we wait. There was quite a bit of debate this morning about going today or going tomorrow. Olivia and I were team tomorrow. Braden and Emma were ready to go!

We had 11 nautical miles to go, which should take us about 2.5 hours. It took us a little bit longer, but it was smooth sailing...

Until it wasn't...

In the 26 days we've been here there have only been two days when it rained. Of course today turned out to be one of them... and it poured.

Unfortunately it decided to really, really pour right when we arrived at our destination. The rain made it pretty difficult to grab a mooring ball, but after what felt like 200 tries and getting completely drenched we were successful.

The rain stopped in time for us to see the sunset.

Our view of Grenada for the next 2 nights. While we were on our way we got a call that our sail is finally here and they are ready to install it. Perfect timing since we just left the marina. Luckily we're here for 2 nights and then pulling into a different marina, so the sail guy said he would meet us there to install it.

During dinner another big rainstorm moved in. This one was lead by a dragon cloud.

Tomorrow Emma has huge dreams to blow up the paddle board and go to the beach. Let's just hope we're done with the rain for a while so we can make those dreams come true!