what a doozy

Yesterday (Friday) was such a craptastic day that meant I started this morning (Saturday) off with a very large mimosa.

Let's rewind... yesterday it was rainy all morning.

We made pancakes and spent pretty much all morning and afternoon in the bus.

Once it cleared up Emma did a little kayaking with our friends while Olivia, Braden and I went to the beach.

Last summer we relied way too much on restaurants while camping, so this summer I wanted to get back to cooking meals at the campsite. I did set aside one night of this trip to eat at the Douglas Lodge Restaurant in the state park, which ended up being last night. On the drive back we stopped at one of the overlooks for a view of Lake Itasca and a photo.

Then... it all went downhill. Emma was on a bike ride. I look up and she was pushing her bike, bloody and crying. Her knee was completely covered in blood and she was complaining about her wrist. She is super tough so I know if she is crying and complaining something hurts it probably hurts really bad. I cleaned her up, put ice on her wrist, but 30 minutes later she was still crying non-stop. The closest ER was 45 minutes away, so Emma and I hopped in the car. We had been preparing for severe weather, so we were rushing to get there and get back before the weather turned nasty.

Luckily the x-rays showed no breaks or fractures. The ER doctor gave her a splint in case she injured the growth plate in her wrist, and we have to follow up with an orthopedist when we get home just to be sure.

The nurse warned us that the weather was getting bad before we left and offered to let us hang out at the hospital for a while. Since I didn't know how long it was going to take I took my chances and headed back toward the campground. The lightning was insane. We were 6 minutes away from the campground when the heavy rain and hail started. I could barely see in front of the car, but had just passed a building with cars out front. I turned around and we headed there. I figured at least if we had to sit in the car in a parking lot that was better than driving through the crazy rain and hail. Turns out the building was a bar that was closed. There were people inside, so they opened the door and let us wait out the storm with them. After hearing our story the bartender gave Emma a free Shirley Temple. We were there almost an hour (most of that without power) while the storm passed. Luckily the worst of the storm had passed and we were able to get back to the bus, shower and hop into bed.

Crappy day, but what a story Emma has to tell to her friends. Luckily this morning Emma said her wrist just feels sore, but doesn't really hurt. She hasn't had any pain medicine since at the ER... so I'm hoping that is a good sign. We'll find out on Monday when I can schedule an appointment to have it looked at by an orthopedist.