who wants to see more kitten pictures?

We don't have much going on this week... except kittens.

We're going to be fostering these kittens for a couple weeks until they can be adopted. I'm already realizing how hard it is going to be to say goodbye to them. Especially Lily and Sylvester.

Does this look like a future crazy cat lady....?

Olivia was too distracted by the kitten playing with her hair that she didn't notice the kitten trying to steal her pizza.

I haven't seen them all snuggle together until tonight.

I did manage to pull the girls away from the kittens this morning to visit 3 parks. We haven't been to a park in a long time. Only 5 left to go and we'll have been to all 20 in our city.

This one made me a little teary eyed. It's the park at Emma's school. When we walked up Emma said "I miss coming here".