out and about

Olivia and I had a busy day. First she had a make up gymnastics class. She is really good at gymnastics. Today's class was a combined 3 and 4 year old class, and she was doing stuff some of the 4 year olds couldn't do. 😲
After gymnastics we had lunch with Emma at school.
It's been a long time since we've had lunch with Emma. She always wants us to come to recess after, and there was no way I was going out on the playground when it was super cold out.
Olivia has been asking all week to go to Crayola, so that's what we did after lunch.
Olivia hates smells... especially in public bathrooms. 😂🤣💩
This is her favorite station at Crayola. You get to color the girls dress, scan it and it shows up on the screen. She always picks purple hair for her girl.
On our way out she tried to convince me to buy this crayon dressed like a ballerina. We compromised with just a picture instead.
We've had some flooding after all the snow melted. The river is so high it's touching the bottom of this bridge.