snow day (1 of 3)

snow day (1 of 3)

In case you're wondering... that is not a typo. Today Emma had her first snow day. We've barely had enough snow to cover the ground all winter, until last night. They also cancelled school tomorrow and Wednesday because of extremely cold temperatures (the high on Wednesday is forecast to be -14).

I wasn't really excited about leaving the house if the roads were still a mess, so we made the most of a day at home... in our pajamas. We started the morning making slime.

We followed it up with some games. Emma and I played Connect 4 at least 100 times. It makes me want to go to Target tomorrow and buy some new games.

We built puzzles.

The girls painted ceramic figures they got for their birthdays.

Emma's dance classes tonight were cancelled and Olivia's is cancelled tomorrow, so the girls had a dance party instead.

There is no way we will make it through another day in the house, so tomorrow we're going somewhere before it gets really cold on Wednesday. There are so many options - swimming at the YMCA, children's museum, indoor playground, bowling. Its going to be tough to decide what to do!