county fair

The first full week of August is our county fair. It’s pretty much the girls dream day - pony rides, petting zoo, corn pit, rides, games, cheese curds, lemonade and snow cones.
Emma picked the biggest pony of them all.
This was the first time I let Olivia go by herself. I have a feeling after this go around she’s not going to let me walk with her anymore.
This goat was sneaky and would eat out of Olivia’s cup while she was feeding the other one.
The corn pit is one of my favorite things about fall, which is coming way too soon!
Poor Olivia.
Even though she’s short, we still managed to find enough rides for her.
Emma is all about the big rides... especially if she can ride them by herself.
We couldn’t get out of there without a game or two.
Fair food. It might be one of my favorite things about the fair.