dominican republic

We hadn't exactly planned to stop in the Dominican Republic, but it was nice to break up the long trip to the Bahamas. Plus we got to catch up with some friends that we hadn't seen in months.
We knew we wouldn't be staying long, so we only were able to squeeze in a couple things during our visit - a beach day, a sleepover, a stomach virus and a day at the adventure park.

I didn't have high expectations for the adventure park, but I must say the dolphin show might have been the best one I've ever seen.

Finally the weather looked good to keep going to the Bahamas, so we did all our preparations and headed on our way. You can't be out on the ocean without seeing at least one cruise ship.

My favorite nights to be on watch are when the moon is bright... even through the clouds.

Ahh... the Bahamas. The water here is so amazing. We plan to spend the next couple months here island hopping. Fun fact for Austin - the Bahamas has 700 islands and 2,400 cays (small low lying islands) covering over 5,000 square miles.