george town, bahamas

Every year hundreds of boats come from all over to spend their days in George Town on the island of Great Exuma. Currently there are 300+ boats here, which means there are kids everywhere. It also means there was no way we wouldn't run into other families we knew. We reconnected with friends we met over a year ago all the way down in Grenada, to familes we met this fall at the Annapolis Boat Show - and everywhere in between.

It's been chilly in the Bahamas, so we've barely spent any time in the water.

The majority of our days have been spent here.

Every afternoon the families get together at the beach. The adults usually sit and talk while the kids are off doing what kids do including, but not limited to, playing volleyball, swinging, building things, feeding the stingrays and fishing. Since we arrived the girls haven't let a day go by without a trip to the beach.

Watching kids on this rope swing is not for the faint of heart. I have to look away, especially when Emma and Olivia are taking their turn. Of course... it is one of the the most popular activities on the beach. Luckily all the kids watch out for each other and help one another... still - it is terrifying to watch.
Fun fact for Austin - the world's largest rope swing is located in Utah. The swing is over 130 feet high and swings out over a 400 foot cliff.

My favorite is the stingrays. These I could watch all day. They know they get the scraps from the conch shack where the guy makes conch salad.

When we're not at the beach we've been doing a lot of baking, crafting, relaxing and watching the bright orange sunsets.