hola puerto rico

It was only a matter of time until one of us got whatever Emma had. Unfortunately it was Olivia... and just in time for her birthday.

She didn't let it ruin her day though. Last year we were in Martinique for her birthday. The French may know how to make delicious baguettes and croissants, but they fall short in the cake department.

The only thing she asked for this year was a good cake. Success!

Olivia didn't want to be traveling on her birthday, so we spent her birthday in St. Thomas before leaving for Puerto Rico. Our first stop in Puerto Rico was the island of Vieques, which is part of the Spanish Virgin Islands. Vieques is home to Mosquito Bay - the brightest bioluminescent bay in the world.

After our one night stop in Vieques we headed to mainland Puerto Rico.

We have a long list of boat projects we need to get done before heading to the Bahamas where we won't have great access to stores and parts, so we booked a spot in a marina for two weeks to make knocking out our list a little easier.

Puerto Rico has easy access to just about everything - including Chick-fil-A.

We wasted no time getting to work. The sooner we finish our list the sooner we can get to the Bahamas. This project (replacing our generator) has been a long time coming.

We rewarded ourselves with some pool time to cool off afterward a succesful morning - a bonus of being in a marina with a pool.

We took a much needed break from our projects to spend an afternoon with our friends who were in Puerto Rico for a work conference. We haven't had much adult only time since we got back to the boat, so it was nice to have the girls entertained by the massive pool while we got to spend time catching up with our friends.