
The previous owner of our boat was from France. He sailed the boat all over the world. When he brought the boat to Grenada in 2016 he planned to return and sail some more, so he left pretty much everything on the boat. Most of it was cleaned out before we got here, but as we've been going through every drawer, cabinet and locker we've found a couple treasures.
First... this dead praying mantis that was in a cup in the kitchen cabinet. I'm still holding onto it and thinking of something creative we can do with it. Shadow box? Paper weight?

Second... this cool painting. I googled the artist and he is from Cuba, so the guy must have purchased it when he sailed in Cuba.

We've also been collecting our own treasures from Grenada. This one I found on the beach... a piece of coral shaped like a mermaid tail.

Our resort has coconuts everywhere. On our first day here Emma worked for a long time to crack one open, eat the coconut meat and make a bowl. A treasure to hold her other treasures.